Saturday, December 25, 2010

God bless us, every one!
Hark the Herald Angels Sing!

Amen and amen!!

God Bless!!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

This is Chirstmas. When all is stripped away and you come simply, He is there for you. Come to Him; just come.

I don't own the video, or the show, or the music, but I am a Chirstian, and THIS is why I celebrate CHRISTMAS. I will play my best for Him.

God Bless!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

SCHOOL'S OUT, THE SNOW IS FALLING, AND CHRISTMAS IS ALMOST HERE!!! YAAAAY!!  Oh, btw, I'm very excited about all of this.

GOD BLESS US EVERYONE!! ((and no, I don't own that quote, I just like it))

Monday, December 13, 2010

All the cold and most of the snow went away Saturday and Sunday. *sad face* Buuuuut...I got my first final done today and I felt really good about it. YAAAAAY!! One down and three to go.

Worked Thursday into Friday, went and saw the new Narnia movie, worked Friday into Saturday, did something that I'm forgetting right now, performed a Christmas play that evening, which two of my bestest friends attended and went home and finally got a good nights sleep.

Got iced in by the weather the next morning, oddly enough, and so spent the whole day doing nothing and was very glad for it.
God Bless!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

IT'S SNOWING!!! YEEEEAAAAAAAHHH!! And we have a whole week of 32 and below w/ constant snow!! YEEEESSS!!

Okay, now that the exciting news is over...I got all my project done and delivered on time, praise God. And I will be officially done with the semester next Wednesday!! HAPPINESS! That means I have five weeks of nothing to do, but stay warm and play hockey and make videoes and stuff on my computer. Not sure if that's a good thing yet. I think it'll be nice for the first week and a half and then I'll be ready to back to school. Sad, I know.

Hopefully I'll be able to get a job though, and that will keep me busy for a while. I really really really need a job. And not a job that needs me to work 40 hours a week, all night long. Not that I'm's just a lot to keep track of.

God Bless All!!!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Okay, so now that it's been all of ten days...Happy December 1st everyone!!

Yeah, life has been interesting lately. What with school, projects, finals, bad weather, and fighting a little relapse problem...yep, been interesting. But I still don't think that I would trade it for anything in the world.

I really have been blessed by God. My family is intact, we can pay the bills, we have a house, I have a car, my grades are good, I have friends, I'm still flying and I'm on my way to Heaven. I don't know if it can get any better than that. No, it's not without it's problems, but it's just about as close to perfect as I think anyone could get.


Sunday, November 21, 2010

Only three more weeks of school left after Thanksgiving break which starts in two days!!  And I have more homework than I know what do with. I really need to get my act together if I'm going to get it all done on time. With God's help.

God Bless!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Almost got to work last night. Almost. They called everything off at the last possible minute and told all us backup people that they didn't really need us. Grrr...  I got to sleep in my nice warm bed on a cold rainy night. YAY!!

God Bless!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Sloooow day. Very slooooooooow day.  ...Yeah, I got nothing.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Here's To The Heroes…

They are

They are the ordinary

They are a living prayer

THEY are

They are always among us

They are always far away

They ARE

They are life-changers

They are life-changers of strangers

They go, willingly, without thanks

They are

They are THE chosen

They are the willing chosen

They go without question

THEY are

They are the protectors

They are honored protectors

They go, willingly, without rest

They ARE

They are the ones that reach for a goal

They are the ones that attain that goal

They are freedom's guardian

They are

They are the blood

They are the sacrifice


…And we are blessed to have them. Dedicated to the men and women of our Armed Forces, to whom we will forever owe all that we hold dear. Thank you.

Monday, November 8, 2010

It snowed again today!!! YAAAAAY!! The second snow of the season, and oh boy do I have Christmas fever now!

And I am incredibly busy this week. It's good for me though. I'd much rather be busy than bored. I get grumpy/moody when I'm bored and then I don't feel like doing anything and it just gets worse. But if I'm doing stuff, my mind is active and I feel great and I'm much nicer to be around. Not that I'm trying to give myself airs or anything, it's just true.

Oh, and I have this awesome devotions journal that my youth group leader gave to me!! It's been keeping me in the Word and I'm really starting to like it. I'm definintely getting a lot out of it.

God Bless!

Friday, November 5, 2010

So, the day after everything that happened in the last post, it snowed!! YAAAAAAY!! And it snowed the day after that too! YAAAY!!

Yesterday and today, it's raining. It's raining a very cold, depressing rain.  ...But I'm too tired to care so, whatever!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Did I mention that it's really cold outside when it's windy and you're still wearing your pajamas? Yeah...
Well, that was fun.  It's seven o'clock in the morning and my horses were standing out in the front yard. Not a good sign.  Thankfully, they were easy to catch, My sister and were able to just walk up to them and grab their halters and put them in the barn paddock. Whew!! Much easier than chasing them all over creation.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Okay, so I'm failing miserably at keeping this thing updated at least once a week. It's becoming more like every two week, or whenever I remember it. *winces* Not a good sign.

So anyway. Life is really hard and complicated right now and if any other Christians happen to see this, you probably know what I mean when I say that it's very hard to stay focused on the right things and not what would sometimes be easier to focus on. But yeah, I'm doing good besides that.

Thank goodness mid-terms are over. That was a lot, a lot of work. But I came out pretty good...with three B's and two A's and that's just my lectures. I have know idea how I'm doing in my labs since the professors don't put those grades on the school website for us, but I assmue that I'm probably doing about the same as my lectures.

And I'm working!! Yay!!

And I get to go play paintball tomorrow!! Bigger YAAAY!!

God Bless!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Today is my sister's birthday!!! YAAAAAAAY!! Oh, how I love birthday parties!

I didn't get to work last night because I partner didn't show up. Which is odd because she's usually really good about being there on time, and if she can't make it, she gets a substitute and tells at least a few people what's going on.  Last night, no one had seen her around and she didn't answer her cell or her dorm phone.
Hope she's okay.

God Bless!

Monday, October 11, 2010

YAY, the rain went away!! Finally. We are on our fourth consecutive day of cloudless blue skies and sunshine.  Praise the Lord!!

And... I'm on Fall Break, which means no classes until Wednesday and then I've only got two days of school this week!! WOOOOHOOOO!! This is how I like it.

God Bless!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Welp, we had a nice warm, sunny weekend and now that's it Monday, it's cold and raining again!! Ugh!!  Good thing I like days that are meant for sitting on the sofa watching a movie in sweatpants, with hot chocolate and popcorn of course. *grin*

I gots work hours!!! Praise the Lord!! I've been waiting for this for so long and I'm so happy 'cause now I can keep supporting  Oscar, who is a boy in Nicaragua(sp?).

And Midterms are in two weeks and I still have A's in all my classes two. *is pleased* Hopefully I can get everything up to A's and high B's by the end of midterms. We'll see.


Thursday, September 30, 2010

It's STIIILLLL raining!! How is that even possible?!  Not that I really care. Today is just too awesome a day for me to care that it's raining. In fact I had fun in the rain today...running from class to my car, hitting every puddle I possibly could before it turned into an outright downpour.  *Big grin*


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

It rained today. And not just rained, it poured. Really poured. And me and my entire class had an outdoor lab for the entire time it was pouring. Of course as soon as we were done, the rain stopped. Liked turned off kind of stopped.  Oh boy. I find that kind of amusing actually. I guess that I must really like getting totally soaked and then ending up knee-deep in water before I could get to my car. *shakes head*

It was a good day anyway. We had fun in the pouring rain...we really did. Just because I was in a group of awesome people. It was cool. And the tractor we were driving was SWEEEEET!! *clears throat* Yeah...

God Bless!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Let the week of exams, cold weather and rain begin...I'm ready for it!! *pumps fist*

God Bless!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Whew!! Another week gone by and I still have a ton of stuff to do. But that's a good thing 'cause it keeps me focused on what I'm supposed to be doing and not getting distracted by other things.

Three exams next week!! And at least one quiz...can't remember if I have any others. Should probably check that.   I found out that I have A's in all of my classes except one and that one is somewhere between a B and a B-. *shrug* I guess I'm happy with that. Now all I have to do is keep it up for the rest of the semester. Hopefully, with God's help, I'll succeed and be very pleased with myself.

I administered horsey shots for the first time yesterday!!! Squeeeeeee! It was fun, I enjoyed it, just in case you couldn't tell.

Okay, busy day ahead so I must run.

God Bless!!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Long day...long long long day. And three exams and three quizzes coming up. Thank goodness for God's help.

God Bless,

Saturday, September 11, 2010

It's 9 September 2010...Let's not forget what happened nine years ago, okay people.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Monday, August 23, 2010

Friday, August 20, 2010

College starts in a week and a half!! I don't know if I should be excited about that or not.  I mean, it'll be nice to have something to do again, but that's just it. I'm so used to having a ton of free time I don't think that I want to give it up. Only time will tell I guess.

I gots a new phone! Just a tracfone but, it's way better than the last one I had. Yay!

God Bless,

Sunday, August 15, 2010

And now...two weeks later...I have graduated yet another NYWg Encampment. This time from a slightly different perspective. AND, I have completed my first church bike trip. This year was 162 miles (roughly) from Letchworth State Park to Niagra Falls. It was amazing, let me tell you.

I am also now, very very tired. Happy, but tired.

God Bless,

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Mom's birthday today!!! I can't say exactly how old she is but it's over forty.  Yay! I love birthday parties!!
Busy-ness is coming.  On Thursday, I have a two hour flight to pick up an airplane. Friday evening I go to my CAP encampment until the 7th. After that my family and I, excluding my dad, are going on a bike trip with YouthForChirst and a whole lot of people from our church. It's three hundred miles. *wince* Then I have two recruiter meetings to go to, and two more CAP activities. ...And then college starts.

I hope I can make it through it all. If I can't God will help me. *big grin*

God Bless,

Thursday, July 22, 2010

I GOT'S A PAINTBALL GUN!!!!! WHOOOOOOOOOO!!! Yeah, it just something that I've wanted for a long time and I finally found one that I liked enough to actually buy it. So now I can join the paintball club at college! Another thing I've been wanting to do.  Coolness!!

And I did ten miles in an hour and fifteen minutes yesterday, and that's big deal for me. YAY!!

God Bless,

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Wild Parsnip!! That's the name of the evil plant that I got covered in, and everything from my shoulders to the top of my neck is dotted with blisters. Ooooh, boy. I'll be okay, it's just really really really ichy right now. Eeeeviiiil weeeeeeeed!!! xD

God Bless,

Friday, July 16, 2010

Yesterday was very interesting, in a kinda emotional/super natural sorta way.  It started out absolutely horrendous. I missed talking to my friend online and then, everything went downhill from there, until about two in the after noon.   That's when God stepped in and turned the day around 180 degrees and the rest of the day was totally awesome. The power of prayer and an open heart are awesome things.

And today, I actually got to talk to my friend, who I haven't spoken with in almost a month. 28 days actually.  Of course this has totally made my day. Even though I have also discover that I have contracted poison ivy's older brother. I can't tell you the name of the plant, but it's tall, has yellow "flowers" and it's slime makes your skin blister like crazy.

My cousin is coming over!!! Hopefully this afternoon! YAAAAAAY!!  Yeah, we're really close and I haven't seen her in at least six months, maybe even a year. *wince* Time flys when you're almost an adult.

Today's going to be great, even though I can't really do a whole lot 'cause of that evil plant!!

God Bless,

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

It's hot...very very hot. Like mid to high 90s, which is hot for where I live. And I have to go into the city today with rest of my immediate family to go see my cousins, who are finally in town again. It's going to be great to see them again, but it's also going to be at least 5 degrees hotter in the city then it would be out here in the country. *groan*

I did really well on my ASFAB!! YAY! So now I can have almost any job I want, which is really nice, but I already know what I want to do so, yeah.

God Bless,

Monday, June 28, 2010

So I'm back from camping, and both of the prepetory weekends for encampment ((CAP)) are done, and all three of my sibs are gone off to summer camp for a week. So... I am very bored. I'll be doing odd things around the house just to keep from vegetating, no doubt.

Life's good though. Nice and relaxed right now, maybe a bit too relaxed but that won't last long once the day gets going. It's humid. Very humid, and hot. *groan* And it's not even sunny! It's cloudy and hot and humid! *sigh* And it's still awesome to me.

God Bless,

Friday, June 18, 2010

Okay, so I didn't get to fly because of a massive rainstorm that came through, but I did make it to my promo. ceremony. Yay, I'm offically a c/Capt in CAP now!!! WHOOO! It only took four years.

Camping tomorrow!!! Which means lots of packing and cooking today. *groan*  Ten days of no cellphones, minimal electricity, fire for warmth; swimming, hiking, biking, canoing, a movie, late nights and regular to late mornings. The whole place to ourselves. It's gonna be awesome.

It also means that I won't be able to play on my computer for the that long!! *cries*  I guess I get over it after the first day or so.

God Bless,

Monday, June 14, 2010

So the actual promotion ceremony is Wednesday, along with my second flight in glass cockpit Cessna 182*squeeeeeee*.

And our annual camping trip is at the end of the week. Thank goodness the campsite is still open. There was a good chance a few months ago that it would be closed down for the summer. And as soon as I get back from camping I have another weekend away from home getting ready for the 2010 NYWg Encampment!! So much fun!!

But at least I won't have to try hard to keep myself busy. ...I really wish I could find a job. Guess I'll just have to pray about that.

God Bless,

Friday, June 11, 2010

Welp, the cloud cover didn't bother us at all. In fact, I had a totally awesome flight!! And Lord willing, I'll be going again next Wednesday. YAY!!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Oh, thank good ness it's finally stopped raining. It rain on and off for like three days straight, with mostly on periods. It's hard to do things outside when it's raining like that...unless you really really like wet and mud, which I don't.

Going flying today! YAY!! Hopefully the cloud cover won't give us any problems. *crosses fingers*

Camping trip in one week, along with my birthday!! It's going to be so much fun. All the hiking and swimming and canoeing and biking and campfire meals, AW! It's the best.

God Bless,

Thursday, June 3, 2010

WOOOOHOOO!!! I finally got my promotion to cadet captain! I've been waiting for that for almost four years now, which is a very long time in Civil Air Patrol *google it*  Thank God, I made it this far!

God Bless,

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Yay, I got all my job applications in...finally!!  That took way too long. Last week I got three applications, took them home, filled them out and put them in my filing cabinet so I wouldn't loose them. A few days later I go back to the cabinet, turn the thing inside out, and no applications.

So I had to go back and get new ones. Did that Sunday afternoon.  And finally got them turned in yesterday morning, in the pouring rain.

17 days, 16 days!!

God Bless

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

IT'S JUUUNE!!! Only 18 days until my birthday, and only 17 days until Toy Story 3 come out in theaters!!

I made a bondfire last night. My first one in a really long time, so I was very happy with it. *big grin* Thank goodness the storm held off long enough last night, so that we were able to do smores, and just hang out for a little while.  Yeah, we had a massive storm last night. Thunder, lightning, pouring rain, no sleep, the whole nine yards. And it's supposed to rain all day today too, but I'm not seeing anything yet so maybe we'll catch a but ya never know.

God Bless,

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My second sister is turning 15 today!! I'm so excited! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! 

Okay, I'm done now.

God Bless,

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Happiness:  School is over!!  My Savior lives!!

Sadness: My grandpa died last night.

Happiness: I'll see him again some day!!

God Bless,

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Only three and a half days left until school is over!!! YEEEEEAAAHH!!! *happy dance*

God Bless,

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Just had a really cool thought. Well, I thought it was really cool.  Anyway, here it is:

No matter how close we get to God, we can always get closer. We can always know more about Him, be shown another one of His awesome "secrets".   Because He's just that cool.   In a sense, we're looking for an ultimate that, I think, can be very hard, yet very easy to find.  Hard because we're human, easy because all we have to do is listen to what His voice is saying to us, and follow it.  I am sooo looking foward to Heaven, I can't hardly find a way to describe it. To see Him face to face...that would be THE coolest thing EVER!!! 

God Bless,

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

So...bands that I've been able to see in concert so far in my life...

Christian Rock:

House of Heroes

Christian Rap:


And all with in the last month!! And NO I didn't skip school or anything to see them. And I don't own anything that is their property. *just thought I'd say*

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

"Here am I; Send me."  Isaiah 6:8

Happy May everyone!

God Bless,

Friday, April 30, 2010

Whew! I'm glad that's over. I don't like giving presentations, I just don't.  I have no problem making powerpoints, doing research, or writing papers, but I don't like giving prestentations. I don't care how big the audience is, I'm just not comfortable with it. *shrugs*

It's sunny out finally. YAY! After three days of clouds and rain. *shudders* And it's warm out! DOUBLE YAY!  And all the big projects for the school year are done! YAY!  Now, I can relax. Finals are not a big deal. Never were, hopefully never will be.

God Bless,

Sunday, April 18, 2010

A very dear friend of mine is leaving for Navy Basic Training tomorrow so a whole bunch of his friends and family had a going-away/birthday party for him tonight. It was one of those sereal, happy/sad moments.  Now the whole night feels that way.  I'm happy for him because he's finally getting to do what he's always wanted and he's thrilled. Sad because is his my friend of six years, high-school and part of college, and now he is going to war...and I'm scared to death for him.  It was sereal because the two previously mentioned things combined perfectly, on a perfect spring night. It was cool, sunny, and just a bit breezy.

I don't, I know I've never felt I was going to miss someone this much after they left.  Except a family member dying. That's the only other time I've cried of anyone leaving. Weird feeling much? Yeah.

God Bless,

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Wow! Very busy weekend. Left home Wednesday evening, on my way to Virginia, stopped at my grandparents house for the night after travelling for an hour and a half. Left the next morning at 7:30 am, drove all day, and arrived in Lynchburg, VA around 3:30pm. Spent the next two days going to classes and tours of the college campus. Oh, yeah, I was there to look at a college that I might transfer to next fall. We'll see...

Anyway, the weather was beautiful, so was the campus. Actually had to stay on campus, in a dorm, which was a first for me. The room was nice and large...supposed to be a triple, but the third person had moved out so it was more...roomy. 

And I got to see the bands House of Heroes, Skillet, and tobyMac in concert...for free!!  And I didn't loose my voice or my hearing, a fact that I am very happy about.

Then, of course, I came all the way back home on Sunday. Then worked Sunday night into Monday morning. *thumbs up* And now I have...four papers/assignments due within the next two weeks! Life is busy right now, very very busy.  But I prefer it that way...I really don't like to be bored.

God Bless,

Sunday, April 4, 2010

It's hard to watch someone you love slow slip away from you. Especially when you both know that it's happeneing and that there's not really anything you can do about it. Even when there's the possibility that they might come through and live a bit longer, you realize that it still won't be long.

But it's okay. 'Cause I'll see him again someday, when he goes. It'll be a long wait, but I'll see him again, because of this wonder day, Easter. WHOO!! Gotta hold on to that hope, otherwise..."we of all men are most miserable."

God Bless everyone,
HAAAAAPPYY EEAAAASTEERRR EVERYOOOONE!!!  Best day of the year for me...hands down!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

It's warm out today!!! *is happy and excited*  And I actually got a bit of a tan cause I was outside with spring soccer training and running. *shock and awe, lol*

Looooong day today....long day.

God Bless,

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

And today, I am back at school...

Have two mid-terms this week, one tomorrow and one on Thursday...and I haven't done any studying for either. *grimace* So, I guess I know what I'm going to be doing for the next two nights in a row. *sigh*

And I might have to work tonight but I'm not sure, so that's another thing I have to do today.  Yeah, life is back.

Spring training for soccer stared today too. That was fun! Mostly because I got to go sit in an ice bath atferwards. It felt soooo good! Oh my goodness, that was awesome!


I guess that's it for now. If you are/did/have been read/reading this...have a totally awesome day/week/month/year!!

God Bless,

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Vaaaaaacaaaaatiooooooonnn!!!!! Yeeeeaaaaaahh!!!  ((can you tell i'm excited? xD))

Last Wednesday, slept form 4:20am-6:10am because I was up all night writing papers...had a 7am class that Thursday morning and was up until 3:10am on Friday...slept 3:10am-6:30am Friday because I was working at my nightguard job and I had another 7am class....slept from 4pm Friday to 6:13am Saturday.   That was the end of last week.

Now I am on vaction and not doing much of anything and loving, as you can imagine.

God Bless,

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

So, I feel like I totally bombed my test yesterday. I didn't study for it...because I was busy trying to write my papers. Terrible excuse, I know, but at least I tried to do well on the test. Even though I know I didn't.

I have a mid-terms tomorrow, on Thurs, have two more on the 24th, have another one on the 25th. AND, I have two paper due Thurs, one due on Fri, and one due on the 24th. I am busy.

Aaaaand, spring training for soccer starts on the 22nd, right after I get back from two weeks of doing nothing (spring break).  I am about to be very very busy. But I'd rather be busy than bored. I go nuts when I'm bored. Trust me, you don't want to see it. xD

Oh, yeah!! I got my 1st Lietenent promotion last Wednesday!! WHOOOOO! I'd been trying to get it for almost two years, so that was a big accomplishment for me. I celebrated with chocolate milk and a cheeseburger. lol  Two more months and I could make captain! hehehe.

God Bless,

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Homework, and Vacation, and Mid-terms...Oh my!!! ((Yes I modified the quote from the "Wizard of Oz"...which I don't own btw))

Homework and lots off it. Five papers, all due within the next week. Oh, goodie. Yes, my voice is dripping with sarcasm.  But I've got three done so far so I'm doing alright.

Vacation!! Yes! A whole two weeks of it. I can't tell you how much I'm looking foward to that right now. Like, really, really, really, really looking foward to vacation. I'll have all day to do absolutely nothing...almost. But it will be really nice to have a break and be able to relax a little bit.

Mid-terms. *groan* Thank goodness one of my classes doesn't have a mid-term. Instead, we have a class project. Great. Besides that I have about...six or seven actual mid-terms...tests, whatever. And most of them are going to also happen sometime with in the next week to three weeks(counting vacation). Super-duper.

So I am very busy and having a great time. Somehow I just can't do without the activity. Even though I complain about having a lot to do all the time, if I had to choose between having too much to do and not doing hardly anything... I would go with choice a). Hands down. I get moody when I'm bored and I don't like being that way. It makes life difficult.

Yep. Over all, doing absolutely fantasic. Hope you're doing the same.

God Bless,

Friday, February 26, 2010

Okay,okay, okay....almost three feet of snow now and it's all very wet and very heavy. It makes for great snowmen and snowball fights, etc. but it's an absolute pain to have to shovel all day. But I did get my upper body workout in today so I'm good.  If this keeps up much longer, I'm going to seriously in shape in a couple of weeks. No joke.

Oh yeah. School was cancelled today!! WHOOO! I love long weekends. And I really needed this one 'cause I have a lot of homework to do. Only two assignments that are particularly  pressing and I already have one...and a bit of the next one...done so...I'm moving along. On schedule, however you want to put it.

I did go through two pairs of jeans and socks today. Why? Because I'd rather not wear my snowpants if I don't really have to, and my "waterproof" boots are losing their "waterproof-ness".  Yeah, I spent that much time outside today starting at 5:30am. Good stuff! Seriously.  The other down side is that it's really warm out. Like 37 degrees. I used to 10-15 max, and all my ice is melting so now that I finally have snow, the ice is melting and it's warm out. All those weeks when 20 degrees was really high and we had no snow whatsoever and now...this. How ironic.

Anyway. Life's still good. In fact it's awesome! Unbelieveingly awesome!!*two thumbs up*

God Bless,

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Praise God, I got the job!!! YEEESS!! I really needed this job and I'm so happy I got it! Just in case you couldn't tell. xD 

And...(drum roll) we now have almost two feet of snow that has fallen in two days!! Awesomness! So we went from literally nothing, except in the snowpile spots, to almost being snowed in. This is great! The power even went out today for about three or four hours. Now what winter is supposed to be like.

God Bless,

Monday, February 22, 2010

I hurt. Like everywhere, and it's making me feel really out of shape even though I know I'm not. I just had two days of some tough, competitive hockey and soccer. Huge gasp, I know.

It snowed again...and then it melted...again. *growl of frustration* No snowboarding and no cross country skiing yet this winter and spring's just around the corner!! *panic* But I have had ice all winter and for that I am very very grateful.

I don't know if  I mentioned the Bible Study that my friend Adam and I and about four other kids started a couple weeks ago, but anyway. It's going really well. All six of us have a great time together shooting pool for our "ice-breaker" even though everyone knows everyone and then we spend about an hour and a half discussing what each of us extracted from our "assigned" reading from the previous week.  It's really a lot of fun...jokes and remarks all around...good stuff.  I just wish that we were growing faster.  Guess I'll have to pray about that.

God Bless,

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Well we finally got our second, maybe third real snowstorm up here and now the grand total for snow that has fallen and not melted or been blown away is...*drum roll* 4 inches!! *ding ding ding*  At least it's still really cold out.

I might be getting a part-time job!! It was really weird how this happened. I went to pick up the paperwork/application for the job(security) and the gentleman in charge just happened to be there and noticed that I was applying. So, he took me into his office and we had the interview right then and there. It would be totally awesome if I got this job. But, I'm trying not to get my hopes to high just in case I don't get it. I still have my fingers crossed.

Two tests today. I hope I can remember everything and pass. I don't want to ace it necessarily, I just want to get a solid, passing grade. That will  make me happy.

God Bless,

Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Olymics are here!! WooHoo!! Go USA!!!

Fourth week, going into the fifth week of the second semester. Three papers, two lab reports, and two quizzes before next monday.  Part-time job. Horses to take care of at home. This is my where I'm at...and it's just a bit of an overload. Nothing I can't handle really, the hard part is getting myself to write a critical review on a topic I really don't care about. Seriously, I couldn't care less. I did start the intro though so I guess that I'm making a little progress.

But, Life's great. I don't have anything to complain. Legitimately anyways.  Compared to some folks out there, my life is perfect. I'm not saying nothing ever goes wrong, but the things that do run a-muck are extremely minor in comparison.

I should probably go back to working on that paper. *groan, sigh, groan* Welp, here goes nothing.

God Bless,

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

It's SOOO cold outside! My room feels like a refigerator...almost. But it's still really cold. I'm wearing three layers and I'm still slightly chilled.  It's not supposed to be this cold.

It's Tuesday, and I've only got three classes today, and they're all spaced out. And they don't start until 9:30am. YAY! Tuesday is one of my easy days. Thursday is the other one.  I don't have class until 10:00 tomorrow cause one of my professors is going to be out of town and she cancelled class. *happiness*

Last night was awesome. For starters, my sister didn't wake me up at 2:40 in the morning, shouting something completely incoherent. And Monday evening, eight of us from the college started a Bible Study!!! It's something that's been in the works for a very long time, and now that we're actually doing it...Well we're all very excited.

And now you may feel informed/updated/whatever. xD

God Bless,

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Nothing...absolutely nothing is going on right now.  I got to sleep in until about 9:30-ish, which I really enjoyed. But now, I'm trying to think of things to do.

I got a new hockey stick! My other one broke cause my sister fell on in just right. Anyway, my new one is sky blue, with black, silver,and white accents. I think this the first time in a really long while that I've named an inanimate object. Sky-X, yep, that's the name.  *laughs* Okay....

God Bless,

Monday, February 1, 2010

Yep, it's the second week, and I have two papers a lab report, and two quizzes to look foward to. *two thumbs up*  Welcome to life as a second semester, freshman. It's early mornings, busy days, light nights, and somehow...don't ask me how cause I don't know, we manage to have enough fun doing it that we don't go crazy.

Actually, now that I'm back at college, I think I kinda missed it. Five weeks a vacation can get just a bit boring. Especally when you live out in the country and all the snow has melted. So that was basically my vacation. Just browsing around the house, doing really random and odd things to stay preoccupied...spending a lot of time on my laptop.


*gasp* I could sleep in tomorrow! Except I have a, arrangement thing so I have to get up at six instead of five-thirty in the morning. But it's for a good cause so I don't mind. I don't have class until nine-thirty though so at least I'll have a little time to ease into my day. Rather than it just showing up at a very early hour of the day.

And that's that.

God Bless,
It's 6:00 am on the Monday of the second week of college. And it's cold and windy out. Very cold and windy in fact. It's making me wish that I didn't have to go to school at seven in the an outdoor class.

Weekend's activities were, horses, nothing, computer, soccer, church and hockey. Yep (nods), it was a real fast paced weekend. lol. The ice at the rink was absolultely horrendous! Not to give myself a pat on the back or anything, but I can skate fairly well, and I just could not stay on my feet last night. It was terrible! There were so many cracks and "pot holes"! I had a good time anyway.

Welp, I guess that's it for now.

God Bless,

Thursday, January 28, 2010

And after a week long absense, not much has changed. I'm coming out of my cold now, which is a very good thing. The first week of college is almost over and I like most of my classes and professors. I have one that says "okay" at the beginning and end of almost every sentence. That can get a bit annoying, but other than that, there's nothing to report.  Oh, except that I've met up with most of my friends from last semester!! *is happy*

Time: 5:47 I don't think I like getting out of bed at 5:30 in the morning. It's just...wrong. It's because I have a seven o'clock class, but I have to squish my story-writing and horses in before I leave to go to school. *sighs*  So,yeah, that's it. Thank goodness I only have to get this early three days out of the week.

God Bless,

Saturday, January 23, 2010

I would get sick two days before I had to go back to school. *shakes head and laughs* Well, hopefully it won't be too rough. Though the first day is always interesting, with people running around like crazy and what not.  I really really don't like getting sick, 'cause everytime I get sick, my whole body aches and it gets really annoying after the first five minutes.
I should probably go see if the rest of my textbooks got here yet since I kinda need those.  Maybe later.

Let's hope I can get better in 24 hours. 12 would be even better. I dunno, we'll see.

God Bless,

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Snow!! For three days in a row now! YEEEES!! Maybe my dad and I can go cross country ski-ing now. If we both have the time. *grimaces*

My plane broke again. Well, technically, it's not my plane. It's just the one plane I've been flying for 9 months now, so I call it "mine". Appearently it had an oil leak in the engine and the folks at the airport have a reputation for being behind on such things. A reputation that they were faithful to uphold yet again. But I guess they fixed it over the weekend. The only problem now is that my instructor is busy, and I'll be back to college by the time he's not busy.  This is a problem.  Guess we'll just have to figure something out like we usually do. Hopfully the weather won't get so bad that we get grounded.  That tends to happen quite a bit too.

I went to pickup the rest of my textbooks on Monday, and the place was close because of the holiday. Duh. Then I went to the bank to deposit some money and they were closed to, but my sister and I didn't figure that out until we had sat in the empty parking lot for about twenty minutes. I did figure out how to deposit money via ATM. We sat there laughing, wondering if our trip into town was going to be a complete disaster. It wasn't we got about half of the things we had planned to do done.  Then I went back to get my textbooks yesterday, and they said that they weren't going to start selling books until Friday or Saturday!! A firend of mine, who works at the bookstore, said to go on Monday and/or Tuesday. I went both days and didn't get anywere. *laughs in situation's face* So I'll just have to wait until Friday.

God Bless,

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Some you will understand what I'm about to say. Most of you probably won't, but that's okay.

About two weeks ago, I had a very rough day working with my dad, and when I say rough I mean nasty, ugly, down-right disgusting. There was little to no interaction between us, but there are some things no one should have to hear or see. I had to pray(silently) the almost the entire time.

Yesterday, I was face with a personal dilemma. This time, my mom touched upon the subject and challenged me to do the thing that I knew I had to do but was really, really, fighting. I had already prayed about the problem, and God hadn't exactly told me what to do. He had presented me with a choice. I could keep going down the road I was on, or I could my problem in His hands and trust Him to make it work.  To be perfectly honest...I was scared. Honest to goodness scared, even though I wouldn' admit it. Cause this was a BIG ISSUE!!!

So we(my mom and I) prayed about it again and then I went and thought about some promises I had made to myself and to God. He sure does know how to get to me sometimes. You see, if I say I'll stand for something I mean to stand for it. No questions asked. Now here I was, turning on that very statement(amoung others)  So, He more or less dared me. Would I keep my promis to Him and trust Him like I said that I did, and would; or would I go my own way. He

He left me with that  thought and I just couldn't get it out of my mind. I couldn't even try to get it out. Eventually, He won. He always sooner or later. I gave it to Him and He took it and replaced my self-imposed worry and fear with a peace that says everything will be okay--no matter what happens. And that feeling bring an unspeakable joy. 
I can't explain this someone who hasn't experienced it. You become so full of joy and peace that it becomes love and you can't help but reach out to other people. You begin to not care how bad it gets, because you know that it'll be okay.  Let it be said that there is a God, Who loves more that humanly imaginable. Who cares so much that it's overwhelming. Every time you try to think about the things that He has done for you that you can't. Because it's impossible for a human mind to get the concept.

I've been a Christian since I was 9, and I am just now being to experience Christianity. I had to open up my mind and heart to God's way. I had to try to see things from His perspective. No, I don't understand it. That's what makes it so great.  If He didn't love me so much He wouldn't help me. Believe me, there are somethings I've done that...yeah. And when I told Him about it, and asked Him to come and fix me, He was already there. He hugged my broken pieces, put me back together and hugged my fixed self.  I was saved...again.

...There is a God. Don't think so? Try coming up with something so original that you didn't need anything that already exists to make it. Still don't think so?  Go hit rock bottom, and then ask Him if He's still there, believe that He'll answer...and see if He doesn't blow you away.  He never disappointed me.

God Bless,

Friday, January 15, 2010

Textbook situation is taken care of!!! *victory dance* That is such I huge relief, I can hardly begin to tell you. Phew! So happy that's out of the way.

And a dear friend gave me the keys to downloading episodes onto my computer!! Now I can start making some real vids! Whoo! So I've been spending a LOT of time doing that. But it's cool 'cause it helps me fill up my completely empty days.

One week to go...and then it's back to the reality of college life.

God Bless,

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Two days in a row, playing hockey for an hour and a half, and two hours...and I hurt. Mostly my lower back and shoulder blades. It's nothing more than a little stiffness, but I'm not used to it yet so I'm just like flop.

I'm almost done with chapter one of my story!! YAY! I know, it doesn't seem like much, but considering that this is the fourth time that I've had to start from scratch with the same project in as many years... I'm just happy to still be working on it. Ya know?

Only a week and a half until I'm back at college. And I discovered that half of the books I need aren't even avalible yet. Even worse, they didn't list the course that I'm taking so I don't know what I need!! Grrrrrr! Hopefully they'll be updating the list soon. They said they would but...yeah.  Oh, the woes of an college student. lol.

God Bless,

Monday, January 11, 2010

Only two weeks left of winter break and then it's back to college for me.  Ooooooh boy! It's one of those things that you kinda look foward to because it will keep you busy again and if you're like me you almost always have to be doing something, even if it's a little something; but then again you know that you're going to miss being home all the time were it's a whole lot easier to put up with life. ....yeah. 

But I'll get to see all of my friends again and that's something I've been looking foward to for a little while now.  Sometimes I think we've had too much fun together, if there ever was such a thing. Not like "could get you in trouble" fun, just fun.

....I still have to get my books for the next semester!!! *wide-eyed stare* Maybe I should try to get that done today. What a novel idea right? Had all of five weeks to do this and now that there are only two weeks left, I start to think about getting my books.  My excuse...I didn't know when the book list was coming out...but I didn't check until this morning. *grimaces* Yep. Welcome to the wonderful knowledge of my awesome time management skills.

*where are you?!* Imma waitin' for someone else on another site so that we can work on a "project". Yes, I know where they are but I have get going in a half an hour sooooo....I've been up for an hour and a half already...and I'm starting to get hungry. That's all I can complain about. I've been up long enough to get hungry and that usually takes some doing.

Welp, ttyl
God Bless,


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Ya know how you can know someone for a really long time and they're just a nice person and then they change kinda for the worse. Not that they don't care but they don't care nearly as much as they used to and they care about different things.  And then, after another long while you get a glimse of who they used to be. Something that you've been waiting for for a long long time and you grab onto it and hold it for dear life....and it still slips through your fingers and you're right back we're you started in the hard place.  And you love this person so much, you want to help them but they don't seem to want helping, in fact they say that you are part of the problem or the whole problem for that matter.

*huff of air* If there was ever a test of faith that was hard for me to pass, this would be it.  Yesterday was especailly hard for some reason. Not sure why, but if I could rate myself on a scale of 1 to 10 on the faithfulness scale I think was a 2 or 3.  Thank God He's much better at this than I ever will be.  He always knows just how to pull out of things like that. Always.

Well I just wanted to "put that on paper" so that I didn't have the feeling of having to say something still bouncing around the nether regions of my brain.

God Bless,

Monday, January 4, 2010

It finally ligit snowed at my house!! And it's cold out so it won't melt and I can finally go cross country skiing and sledding and stuff. YAY! I've been waiting for this for soooo long, I'm so happy it came at last. Just in case you couldn't tell.  I think we got...maybe six or seven inches, but the drifts are almost up to my knees, so yeah. I live on Windy Lane, East Coast, USA. Not actually my address.

I found out this morning that one of my closer acquaintences basically did some anonymous back-stabbing, and I'm happy about it.  Not that I'm particularly mad about it, more along the lines of extremely disappointed and hurt. It does take a good deal to get me really mad so that's why I'm not steaming about this. That, and I've kinda come to expect this from people.  The situation is, me and another friend of mine were "writing" this story online. We are a fandom for Buzz Lightyear of Star Command(property of Disney/Pixar) and we love what we do.  Anywho, dear lovely instigator seems to think that our story is Mary-Sue-ish and wishes that we would keep "religion" out of the whole thing. Now, granted that was the way that Disney made it and I'm all for straight-up canon, but you can't expect everyone to stick to that. What is imagination for if not to take an idea and run with it.  Yes, I and my dear writing partner are Christians. Yes there is a difference between religion and Christianity. Sorry if you're offended by this by I'm the kind of person who takes or leaves the whole thing on this subject. For everthing else there is at least one compromise.

To me, when writing or looking at someone elses writing, you should take the good and appreciate it. All personal prefrences aside; critique things that you think need critiquing and do it in a MATURE, PROFESSIONAL manner. Please!!! I have no problem with someone pointing out an "error" in my work, as long as they don't do it "cheaply".   I have read several pieces that I don't necessarily totally agree with, but they are well done works. So I tell the author that the piece is well done and then in an unbiased way as possible(without compromising my values) make a few other points. It's NOT a HARD thing TO DO!! I'm not even a good/professional/ameture/writer. I'm hardly half-way to being okay by my own standard.  But I understand the concept of basic courtesy.

And then there's the fact that this individual actually took part in writing the story. With us!! For a good long while too! And then they seeming just turned around and wrote this. We hadn't heard a word out of them of a long time until now, and what a rude reintroduction it has been.

*huff of air* I'm done venting now, but I'm still frustrated that someone I called a friend did this. I should be mad, but I can't be mad at someone for having their own way of looking at things. It's just they way they said it that bothers me. They could've at least talked to us in private instead of pulishing something on the 'Net and waiting for us to find out.  On top of that, half of what they said was totally, completely irrelevant and/or a personal slight without a real name.

Okay, I'm done making everyone else miserable by writing this, but it was bound to come out sooner or later. I'm fine now, moving on until this requires private. 

I hope everyone has a truely awesome day!!
God Bless,


Saturday, January 2, 2010

WHOOOO! My first  post of 2010!!  And it's about what happened yesterday. Which was basically two or three hours of hockey, with skate sharpening, shoe-shining and work in between. Yay! And I think we're going again today to see if there will be anyone else at the rink so maybe we can get a real game going.  That would be awesome!

And it's snowing again! I love snow, but it's also windy so it probably won't be hanging around all for that matter. Oh well. 


God Bless,