Thursday, February 17, 2011

Nooooo!! It's getting warm out again!! I hope this is that "February thaw" and that it will be cold again after this. I needs to go play hockey!!

God is awesome!!!

God Bless!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

It's cold again today. Very cold and windy. And the rest of the week is supposed to be like it was yesterday. Warm and sunny and breezy. Ugh! Just stay cold until like...mid April. *shurg* Whatever. I guess I like my hockey a little too much.

God Bless!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

So it's been a couple of weeks again and I thought it would be a good idea to update...again. Nothing to awefully amazing has happened; that is to say that nothing has happened, except school is moving along and one of my horse got a puncture wound in her leg, which is healing nicely. And my gelding horse has managed to dehydrate himself, but he's also on an amazing rebound.  So, it's all good.

God Bless!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

The Packers won the Super Bowl!! Yay!! Not that I'm a huge Packers fan, I just had a deal with someone that I would root for the Packers if they got their devotions done two days straight...So, I guess you can figure out what happened.  That was the best game I've seen in a long time though; as far as football is concerned anyway. I don't really watch a whole lot of foot ball, so...yeah.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Well, the first week of school is offically over. I've been rehired, again, by my job at the college, which is good because I don't have another job yet. It's still really cold here; Monday was a grand total of 5 degrees above zero.

And almost all of my teachers have given out homework assignments already. It's good because without them my brain would be going in all sorts of directions. No that it doesnt' do that anyway, but ya know, it happens less with homework to do.

Life's good. Very very very good.
God Bless!!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

For you kiddo...Love ya! *hugs*
Okaaaaaay, sooo I haven't been here in almost two weeks *winces* and so, I thought it would be a good idea to update again.

1) School starts again on Monday, and I don't know how I feel about that. Especially since I will having to make some major life decisions once I graduate in the spring. Things like whether to move out of the house and transfer schools so that I can get a B.A. or not. And whether to enlist so that I can eventually fly helicopters...or to not. But I think the enlisting thing is pretty much a yes right now. It's just a matter of when and were and with who.

2) I got to travel all day on Thursday to go visit a air national guard unit that has helicopters!! That was totatly wicked! That's one of the three units that I'm considering joining. We'll see what God has to say about it. I hope He says yes. Hoping...

3) We have lots and lots and lots of snow now and I am very happy about that. Everything looks absolutely beautiful and fluffy and cold and I love it!! Still playing a lot of hockey and skating a lot too. Some sledding, some snowboarding.

So that's about it. I am still writting a couple of stories and have started working on a BLoSC vid since I haven't touched my youtube account in about a year now. *cringe* So hopefully I can get that going again. My imagination power has been going into other things lately. Way to state the obvious right?

Okay, consider yourselves updated yet again.

God Bless you all!!!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

YAY SNOOOOOOOOOOWWW!!! We finally got some. More than just lake affect dusting. Like there might actually be a few inches on the ground. WOOHOO!! *does victory dance* THANK YOU LORD!!!

God Bless

Saturday, January 1, 2011

HAPPYYYYYY NEW YEARRRRRRRR!!!  I stayed up way too late last night.
