Sunday, November 21, 2010

Only three more weeks of school left after Thanksgiving break which starts in two days!!  And I have more homework than I know what do with. I really need to get my act together if I'm going to get it all done on time. With God's help.

God Bless!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Almost got to work last night. Almost. They called everything off at the last possible minute and told all us backup people that they didn't really need us. Grrr...  I got to sleep in my nice warm bed on a cold rainy night. YAY!!

God Bless!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Sloooow day. Very slooooooooow day.  ...Yeah, I got nothing.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Here's To The Heroes…

They are

They are the ordinary

They are a living prayer

THEY are

They are always among us

They are always far away

They ARE

They are life-changers

They are life-changers of strangers

They go, willingly, without thanks

They are

They are THE chosen

They are the willing chosen

They go without question

THEY are

They are the protectors

They are honored protectors

They go, willingly, without rest

They ARE

They are the ones that reach for a goal

They are the ones that attain that goal

They are freedom's guardian

They are

They are the blood

They are the sacrifice


…And we are blessed to have them. Dedicated to the men and women of our Armed Forces, to whom we will forever owe all that we hold dear. Thank you.

Monday, November 8, 2010

It snowed again today!!! YAAAAAY!! The second snow of the season, and oh boy do I have Christmas fever now!

And I am incredibly busy this week. It's good for me though. I'd much rather be busy than bored. I get grumpy/moody when I'm bored and then I don't feel like doing anything and it just gets worse. But if I'm doing stuff, my mind is active and I feel great and I'm much nicer to be around. Not that I'm trying to give myself airs or anything, it's just true.

Oh, and I have this awesome devotions journal that my youth group leader gave to me!! It's been keeping me in the Word and I'm really starting to like it. I'm definintely getting a lot out of it.

God Bless!

Friday, November 5, 2010

So, the day after everything that happened in the last post, it snowed!! YAAAAAAY!! And it snowed the day after that too! YAAAY!!

Yesterday and today, it's raining. It's raining a very cold, depressing rain.  ...But I'm too tired to care so, whatever!