Saturday, October 30, 2010

Did I mention that it's really cold outside when it's windy and you're still wearing your pajamas? Yeah...
Well, that was fun.  It's seven o'clock in the morning and my horses were standing out in the front yard. Not a good sign.  Thankfully, they were easy to catch, My sister and were able to just walk up to them and grab their halters and put them in the barn paddock. Whew!! Much easier than chasing them all over creation.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Okay, so I'm failing miserably at keeping this thing updated at least once a week. It's becoming more like every two week, or whenever I remember it. *winces* Not a good sign.

So anyway. Life is really hard and complicated right now and if any other Christians happen to see this, you probably know what I mean when I say that it's very hard to stay focused on the right things and not what would sometimes be easier to focus on. But yeah, I'm doing good besides that.

Thank goodness mid-terms are over. That was a lot, a lot of work. But I came out pretty good...with three B's and two A's and that's just my lectures. I have know idea how I'm doing in my labs since the professors don't put those grades on the school website for us, but I assmue that I'm probably doing about the same as my lectures.

And I'm working!! Yay!!

And I get to go play paintball tomorrow!! Bigger YAAAY!!

God Bless!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Today is my sister's birthday!!! YAAAAAAAY!! Oh, how I love birthday parties!

I didn't get to work last night because I partner didn't show up. Which is odd because she's usually really good about being there on time, and if she can't make it, she gets a substitute and tells at least a few people what's going on.  Last night, no one had seen her around and she didn't answer her cell or her dorm phone.
Hope she's okay.

God Bless!

Monday, October 11, 2010

YAY, the rain went away!! Finally. We are on our fourth consecutive day of cloudless blue skies and sunshine.  Praise the Lord!!

And... I'm on Fall Break, which means no classes until Wednesday and then I've only got two days of school this week!! WOOOOHOOOO!! This is how I like it.

God Bless!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Welp, we had a nice warm, sunny weekend and now that's it Monday, it's cold and raining again!! Ugh!!  Good thing I like days that are meant for sitting on the sofa watching a movie in sweatpants, with hot chocolate and popcorn of course. *grin*

I gots work hours!!! Praise the Lord!! I've been waiting for this for so long and I'm so happy 'cause now I can keep supporting  Oscar, who is a boy in Nicaragua(sp?).

And Midterms are in two weeks and I still have A's in all my classes two. *is pleased* Hopefully I can get everything up to A's and high B's by the end of midterms. We'll see.
