Thursday, December 31, 2009

(this was supposed to go up yesterday but I had to work late and I just fell asleep when I got home)

I fell down the stairs to my basement!! Like almost all the way down. I was just walking down the stairs, with two soda bottles in my hand, not doing anything stupid or silly and I just FELL!! I didn't stop until my foot caught in the support for the railing and then was more or less hanging upsided down, on the stairs.   And my youngest sister was already down there, saw the whole thing, and asked if I was okay. Which I was, so it made me laugh.  I did earn myself a bump on the back of my head and almost a black and blue eye, but even though I hit every major body part, I only got those two to show for it. 

The whole was rather humorous from my pespective. Don't know why, maybe just because it was so suddend and short. But, yeah, that's that. I'm still laughing about it.

Oh yeah! Happy New Year's Eve!!!
God Bless,

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

And today we had a high of about 9 or possibly 10 but no higher than that for sure. Much thanks be to the 27 mph winds that blow around my house.  Now, don't get me wrong, I love the cold and the snow and the ice. Wind on the other hand, I could do without most of the time. Especially in the winter.

Anywho, I got to spend a great day with my dad. Great because, number one, he's not really around that often, two, we did a whole bunch of awesome stuff, and three, God blessed both of us with a good mood.  Seriously, both of us have big time mood issues some days, his generally being a little worse than mine because of his work and a constant stabbing pain in his head, and it's very hard to catch both of us an a good the same time I mean.  But we did have a wonderful time playing hockey, and buy tractor stuff, and then fixing a couple of light switches in the house and getting wood for the furnace, and just hanging.

God Bless,

Saturday, December 26, 2009

It was warm out today!!!!!!! *screams* The ice as all soft and slushy. Every place that there wasn't supposed to be ice, there was ICE and the one place I needed the ice to was useless. Utterly and completely. Oh the woes of a college kid on winter break!!

Anywhoooo, things are startin to shift a little. The story is reaching a new phase, not quite sure if it'll be the end but it's definitely something new. And I finally got to work on my fanfic again. I think this is the....5th or 6th time now. Maybe seventh. I lost track after two. Ya know these things can be. But I'm really liking already and I've only got the intro done. Yay!  If anyone knows a good beta that needs something to do I need someone to look it over for me.

So. That's that. Hope ya'll had a wonderful Christmas
God Bless,
I would've said this yesterday but I, kinda forgot. But I guess I can say it now.....MERRYYY CHRISTMAAAAAAS!!!!! Belated of course.*blushes*  

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Frustrated at self right now.  Yeah, that story that I'm helping write....I keep messing it up. Or doing something that drastically changes everyone elses ideas. Grr.  Really it's worse than it sounds and I'm not quite sure how to fix it.  *long exasperated siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigggghhhhh*  Maybe I need to just be a bit more discreet in what I write since I'm "playing" a canon character. I mean, it's not like I stink. In fact I've told the opposite, but this morning and this afternoon I just....gah. I guess I was a bit out character. Possibly more than a bit. 

Oh well. I'll have to see if I can fix that tomorrow morning...@ 6:ooam!!  Yep, we're trying to get this done before Christmas, though it doesn't look like that's going to happen. But, hey, you never know. We just might pull this off. I'll be very happy if we do, and then I'll be sad because I won't know what to do with myself. I know, I'll start working on my own piece...that got wiped out again cause I had to wipe the hard drive!!!! *smokesizzle* Or maybe I'll start another sequel, or both.  We'll see.

Loving my winter break. Started work yesterday and I'm loving that too. Have gone skating twice already and we've only had ice for...a week. YAY! So yeah, I'm content to say the least...over all that is.

God Bless

Monday, December 21, 2009

Grr wind. It's blowing all the snow away!!!! No!!!  First real full day of winter vacation and I spent it taking care of my horses, going to post office, doing random yet purposeful stuff, going back to the post office, backing....four batches of cookies to send to one of my uncles, taking care of my horses for the evening, and now I am going to fill my evening with random stuff.  Like blogging. Hehe.

I think we had a high of maybe 30 degrees today. That's...5 to 12 degrees higher than the past week. Wow. Not. I hope it doesn't get any warmer, cause then the snow and ice will start to melt(bet you didn't know that) instead of blowing away or just being there.

So yeah......
God Bless,


Saturday, December 19, 2009

Therrrrrrre's ICE IN THE HOCKEY RINK!!!!!! YAY! Whoohoo! *does the very happy dance* Me and my sister and my dad went skating for almost two hours this afternoon and it was awesome. Can't tell you how long I've been waiting for that. And tomorrow afternoon, we're possibly going over to a friend's house to do the same thing cause they have a nice, big pond.

AND this guy that we know from playing hockey is starting a Saturday morning hockey "league". More like a friendly game, but appearently he's trying to get some gear from a city nearby.  Second hand info, but that's what I heard, word for word.  Hey, look, it rhymes! lol.

You may now feel updated.

God Bless,

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Hey! A whole week went by without me posting! Gotta be carefull with that though. Knowing me, I'll just brush if off and then I won't post for two weeks and it'll keep getting worse and worse until I stop completely. But that won't happen. NOT THIS TIME!!! okay i'm done.

It was sooooooo coooooolllllllddddd this morning! And I had to go and work at a barn! *screams* I don't mind the cold and I don't mind the wind, but I really dislike my fingers going completely numb on me and then warming up and freezing again. So irritating!  But I love my "work".

God Bless,

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Whoohoo!! We finally got the house decorated for Christmas today!! Well for the most part anyway. Still have to decorate the tree and we might do the outside of the house this year, but that's a big maybe.  And it's cold out. Cold = ice=skating/hockey. *sigh* Good times.

Now the house smells like pine needles, mint, molassas, and firewood cause of the tree, wood-burning stove, and cookies!!! *Squeeeeeel*

But now I have to go study for my two finals on Monday and maybe a little for the one on Tuesday. *groan* I really don't like studying for some reason. I love learning new stuff, but I absolutely dispise sitting down and reading my notes and textbook. Grr and....whatever. It's worth a good grade in the end...I guess.

God Bless.


Thursday, December 10, 2009

Finals have officially started and I got a 92% on the first one. Yay! It was actually pretty easy, so it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be.

And the snow's still here! And it was really, really, really cold here today mostly because of the wind. Yeah. But I'm lovin' it! Hopefully all the ponds around here will be frozen by the time Christmas get here so that we can go skating! That would great if that happned.

God Bless all.

Monday, December 7, 2009

It'sssss Mondaaaaayyy. 

And there are only two weeks of classes left for the semester!!!  I should really start studying for the finals though.  Not that I have been studying already, I just need to start seriously studying. Yeah......

The snow didn't melt hardly at all, so I'm very happy about that. That, and it's supposed to snow for most of the rest of the week. YAY! But it did melt enough to leave puddled water and thus ice when the temps dropped over night. Not the safest of thing when you spend most of your day outside.

I love the winter time though. Can't hardly wait for the ice to form so I can finally go skateing and play hockey again. Love playing hockey too. Nothing like a day of playing hockey on a frozen pond and then coming home to hot chocolate, cookies and family/fun. *sigh* Good times.

Have a great day all,
God Bless.


((comments/reviews are still welcome and appreciated))

Saturday, December 5, 2009

IT SNOWED AT MY HOUSE AGAIN!!!!!  And this time, we got like a whole half an inch!!! *does the very happy dance*  YEAH! I love my snow and it LAUGHS in Global Warming's FACE!! HA!  To bad it's not supposed to last though. It's supposed to be somewhere between 34 and 38 degrees tomorrow with sunshine. Don't get me wrong, I love snow and I love sunshine, and I love them together but....I don't like it when it's cold and snows and then gets warm enough for the snow to melt. Cause that makes things all slushy and nasty for working outdoors. Which is what I do a lot of.

I also shoveled my driveway for the first time this season, today. I really really enjoy doing that for some reason. I'm always trying out new ways to make it go faster or slower depending on how long I wanna be outside. I know it's a little funny but it's true.  It really can be a science. Not that there's a wrong or right way to do it, just...economically how you do it I guess. .....that was random and pointless. Oh well.
... LOL!!

Have a great night/day all.
God Bless


Thursday, December 3, 2009

I got my official pilot's wings last night! *cheers*  And then we had cake and milk. Ya know small party-ish gathering.  It was a good night...even though I didn't get to be until like, 10:30 or 11:00. Yeeeahhh. 

I wish I didn't have three papers to write. Well, two and a half, but still. I really despise writing papers. I don't know why, cause these are the easiest papers ever and I still am having a hard time making myself do them. Grrrr. Maybe I need to just do it........yeah that's probably it. Usually when I just do it and don't think about it, it gets done a lot quicker.

But I'm stuck in the thinking about stage. I'll get over it though. Have to if I want to get a good grade which I do.   .......whatever.

So yeah that it's it for today, I'm pretty sure.

God Bless,


Tuesday, December 1, 2009


That totally made my day in case you couldn't tell. And the 25 Days of Christmas countdown actually started yesterday so I got to watch "How the Grinch stole Christmas" with my dad and sisters. Yay! It was fun. We always sing a long to the songs and then get stuck laughing at the words and each other right in the middle of the song. lol.

24 days until Christmas! Yes, I'm going to keep track.

Have a great day,

And God Bless


Monday, November 30, 2009

Leeeet'ssss seeee.....

It's Monday. Very much so a Monday, and the first day of the last three weeks(including finals week) of the semester *is happy*.

It rained aaaaalllll daaaaayyyy. And it was windy(college is on top of a bald hill) and thus cold. Oh well. At least the horse pastures weren't as bad as I thought they'd be. *is happy again*

I'm almost signed up for all of my classes for the next semester that won't be around for another two months at least. I think I have like three or four that I have to go get a "write in" for. Professer has to say it's okay for me to join his class. Absolute pain. Good thing I have a lot of free time tomorrow for stuff like this.

Today is the last day of November which means that tomorrow is the first day of December which means that the 25 days of Christmas countdown will start and we'll only have 24 days until Christmas!!!!!!! YAY! WHOOOOOOOO!! Can ya tell I have just a small case of Christmas Fever? *giggle*

But that also means that I have to get signed up for the rest of my classes like....tomorrow!! *slight panic* I have til the 3rd. I got to hang out with one of my best college pals today. I haven't seen her in all of a week so...yeah. We had fun, even though we didn't really do anything. *thumbs up, lol*

Weeeeellllll......I guess that's it. Hope you enjoyed reading about this totally exciting, yet awesome day in the life of me.

God Bless,

~ Kj

Friday, November 27, 2009

Don't ask me were this came from cause I don't know.

'Twas a long wonderful day in the world of a college freshman. The last night's travels had left her quite exhausted and thus she experience the most wonderful night of uninterrupted sleep and woke beautifully rested this morning. What followed was a glorious day of cousins and aunts and uncles and a heavenly feast to share with all of them.

Sweet memories were made, great jokes were told, and all the traditional family games were played. Sadly, and much to everyone's dismay, these joyous times came to an end all to soon, when "good-byes" were said, hugs were given and a few tears were shed along with plans for next year. (already)

And thus began the three hour(eternally) long trip home. But Team Six discovered that the most dependable source of amusement on a long trip, other than games you make yourself, is a good movie(Ice Age 3) The trip was "short", smooth and uneventful just as long journeys should be and Team Six arrive back to base camp safe and sound and very, very tired, and very happy.

Tomorrow, our dear heroin shall return to the battle front, where horses and pigeons and pitchforks will clash, but she and her unit will triumph as they always do, no matter the challenges they encounter along their way.

Good Night All,

Safe Travels, Sweet Dreams,

And God Bless.


Thursday, November 26, 2009

well only the third time I've started a blog. Hopefully I'll be able to not drop this one right in the middle of things.

All comments, questions and....etc. welcome!
